A Silent Voice (Koe No Katachi) - A Great Japanese Animated Film

A Silent Voice (2016)
(Koe No Katachi - Original Title)
Genre: Drama, Animation

Another great animated movie from Japan. 'A Silent Voice' also translated as 'The Shape of Voice' is a Japanese animated teen drama film which is based on a manga of the same name. The movie is about Shoya Ishida, a school bully and, Shoko Nishimiya, a girl with hearing disability. In their sixth grade when Shoko transfers to Shoya's elementary school and tells everyone that she's deaf, Shoya begins to bully her. The word of the bullying reaches the principal and all including his friends singled out him as the one responsible. Then, the table turns and Shoya finds himself as the victim of the bullying.

You may feel sad and uncomfortable with the story and may see how bad the life of a differently-challenged person may be. What I like about this movie are the awareness and lessons it gives to the viewers. The pacing of the story feels too slow for me but it has never failed to give the right drama. Totally, this movie was great and worth watching just like ’Kimi no Na wa (Your Name)’ also a Japanese animated movie. 

My Rating: 7/10, Great animated movie

Watch the trailer below:

If I will be asked, which is better between 'A Silent Voice' and 'Your Name'. In my opinion, it's a head to head battle but 'Your Name' will win by a point. Excitement wins over Drama 😊.

What is the best-animated movie you have watched? Write it in the comment section below!

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