ORPHAN - Surprisingly Great Horror Thriller Movie

Orphan (2009)
Genre: Mystery, Horror, Thriller
(Available on Iflix)

Very evil, bad, and dark. I was surprised by the concept and the violence. I can't imagine that an innocent looking child can be that brutal. All the actors did a good job especially Isabelle Fuhrman who played Esther (the adopted child). This movie is impressive. I can't say that I enjoyed this. I must say, I was disturbed!

John and Kate, a couple who recently suffers from tragic loss of their unborn baby decide to adopt another child. At the local orphanage, both find themselves strangely drawn to a young girl named Esther. But before they totally welcome Esther into their home, series of alarming events happened that lead Kate to believe that there's something wrong with Esther.

Even though there are parts of this movie that I don't want to look at or to see again. This is a must-see!

My Rating: 8/10, one of the best thriller movie

See the trailer below:

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