A Werewolf Boy (2012 Korean Movie)

A Werewolf Boy (2012)
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance
(Available on Iflix)

Another good content on Iflix. A Werewolf Boy is a 2012 South Korean fantasy romance film. The director Jo Sung-Hee wrote the screenplay when he was still studying film making. The original synopsis was quite different from the final screenplay wherein the woman was the wild one. In order to make the commercial film, the roles were reversed. 

This movie is beautiful and full of innocent kindness. Yes, this is another werewolf movie but it is original in its own way. The characters are likable especially Chul-soo the werewolf boy and Sun-yi a teenage girl. I also appreciate that they explained how Chul-soo became a werewolf. 

Kim Sun-yi and her family move to a remote valley for her recovery from an illness. She discovers a boy crouching in their yard and her family adopts him even though he acts and behaves like a wild beast. Sun-yi teaches him how to act like human and they become close and attach to each other.

Watch the movie and sure you will like it. P.S. This is a love story without ’I love you’.

My rating: 7/10, nice Korean fantasy movie

Watch the trailer below:

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